Our universe is created in one word (uni-verse). Through the words you speak, you create universe(s). You create a spell, which is why it’s called “spelling”. “so is my word that goes out from my …
Subliminal Messages in Music Videos – Hidden Secrets of Freemasonry
The music and entertainment industry is full of symbolism and hidden meanings. Even the new logo of Twitter (X) contains a secret Masonic code. If you flip it around, you will get the compass and …
9 Immutable Universal Laws: Destiny is Who You Are
The universal laws are the Truth because that which does not change. Man cannot create laws. Man can only make rules and regulations and follow the laws of creation that are above him. Law is …
The Wisdom of Tantra: The Lore of the Sacred Whore
What is the most sacred thing on earth? It’s sex. In the beginning, there was sex. We come to this world because of sex. Tantra is the path of sex. It is not a technique, …
Spiritual Reasons Behind Premature Ejaculation + How To Cure
Premature ejaculation is not a physical disease. It has its karmic causes. You might have tried Tantra, Kundalini, Taoist semen retention, kegel exercises, breathing, training PC muscles, etc. but these don’t work. Even natural remedies …
Spiritual Consequences of Lust: The Thrust that Results in Hurts and Moral Corruption
Lust is a strong sexual desire that is often considered a sin in many religions and spiritual traditions. Jesus taught that sinful thoughts, like lust, defile you from within. “He went on: ‘What comes out …
Spiritual Consequences of Cheating and Adultery
The spiritual consequences of adultery are not as simple as you think. If you commit a wrongdoing, you will have to pay it back, if not in this life then in the next. The law …
Is Your Marriage Predestined? – The Spiritual Relationships Between Husband and Wife
“A hundred million of raindrops fall, not one of them falls in the wrong place. Billions of people have met each other, none of them is by coincidence.” Thich Nhat Hanh There are over 7 …
Healing Others Can Transfer Diseases
Just as what goes up must come down, the energy of your actions eventually comes back to you in some form. When you have an illness or face misfortunes, this is a way of paying …
Spiritual Consequences of Abusing Drugs, Marijuana, and Alcohol
No one on this planet should understand more clearly than drug users, weed smokers, and alcoholics the consequences of our actions. People say these substances aren’t addictive, but more than 70% of people struggling with …