1. A Destabilizing Yet Alluring Magnetism
When your partner’s Lilith opposes your North Node in synastry, you feel a destabilizing yet highly alluring magnetism to each other. You are instantly enthralled and seduced by this person.
At the same time, this person may disrupt your life path and the development of your North Node’s destiny. They draw out your South Node tendencies when you should be moving towards your North Node path. The attraction feels fated yet taboo.
You ignite each other’s repressed and unbridled passions. While this can feel exciting and addictive, it can also become an unhealthy obsession if you give in to your desires thoughtlessly.
2. They Represent Your Deepest Temptations
With Lilith opposing North Node, this person represents passions and temptations that can lead you astray from your destined path. Yet you feel magnetically pulled towards them and the self-gratification they offer.
You feel instantly mesmerized by this taboo figure who stirs your deep desires and excites your hidden fantasies. But getting involved with them may distance you from fulfilling your moral purpose and self-development.
They could activate your impulses of instant self-gratification rather than virtues of self-discipline and patience.
3. They Trigger Your Core Wounds
Lilith illuminates your core wounds and painful places. With Lilith opposite North Node synastry, this person can trigger and exploit those wounds in unhealthy ways.
They seem to instinctively know your vulnerabilities and hidden insecurities. Rather than help heal them, your partner may manipulate your pain selfishly. Your destructive patterns can get activated.
Working through your core issues requires self-reflection and taking full responsibility for your actions. But Lilith often tempts you to avoid growth by indulging in wounded desires. This partnership could reinforce bad habits rather than heal your karmic hurts at their roots.
4. Power Struggles Can Be Frequent
With Lilith opposite North Node synastry, ego-driven power struggles can arise frequently. You both tend to seek control over the other, creating an ongoing tennis match of wills. Neither wants to yield power.
Mind games, silent treatment, or manipulation may often occur in this partnership as you compete for domination. Scorekeeping, jealousy tactics, punishing behaviors – any means of gaining the upper hand or bending the other’s will can be used. It often becomes more like a war than a relationship.
This opposition is truly like a war. You learn not by attacking each other, but you learn to attack the problems attacking you two together.