1. Intense Attraction, Control Issues
When Mars forms a quincunx to Pluto in synastry, both intense attraction and control issues can arise. Sexually, there’s a very magnetic draw between you, almost addictive by nature. Passion runs high, but so does a tendency to manipulate or control the other person.
At first, your chemistry feels amazing – pure fireworks! But a negative undercurrent may also develop in which you compete for dominance. One may try to possess the other but it creates resentment. Mind games may prevail and silent treatment can occur.
Volatile emotions can overtake the relationship over time. Your small upsets can turn into dramatic blowouts. Everything may feel life-or-death with Mars quincunx Pluto synastry because you can tap into each other’s deepest passions.
2. Power Struggles Can Arise
In relating, power struggles can inevitably erupt with Mars quincunx Pluto synastry. You may compete over who is more dominant sexually, socially, financially, intellectually, etc. Both egos fight for the upper hand.
One may try to shape or change the other but it backfires. Attempts to temper the other’s will may just breed more resistance. Manipulation can arise when you feel thwarted or insecure.
Over time, this dynamic can decrease faith and respect. The goal may become gaining leverage, not mutual understanding. You might push each other’s buttons too harshly and poke at sensitive pains from the past. Your emotional intimacy can suffer greatly, even when your physical passion is strong.
3. Obsessive Passion Can Take Over
Mars-Pluto synastry connections often breed intense, obsessive passion. Under this quincunx specifically, your desire for each other can become downright compulsive and possessive. You want to “own” each other.
Your sex may involve themes of domination, submission, abuse, or force. Jealousy can easily arise when this desire for complete possession goes unmet. You may demand more investment from each other than is realistic or healthy.
When passions run this high, perspective and reason often get lost. Mood swings and extreme behaviors can result. You activate a bonfire in each other but then feel burned. The compulsiveness could singe mutual admiration over time.
4. Crises Can Bond You Emotionally
Despite the tensions, Mars-Pluto quincunx can feel unbreakable once you pass the test of trust. During intense experiences or crises, you learn to demonstrate deep loyalty, respect, and commitment towards each other.
You’re willing to fight for one another and be there in difficult times. Shared adversity only creates emotional intimacy between you and an “us against the problem” feeling.
In other words, your relationship is not about you two facing each other, but facing your problem head-on. Your hard times reveal noble qualities like courage, devotion, and resilience in each of you.