1. You Awaken Each Other’s Strength
When Mars sextiles Chiron in synastry, you help each other unlock great inner power and courage. The Mars person brings boldness while Chiron bestows wisdom. Together, you feel emboldened to stand up for yourselves and live authentically. The energies here awaken your sense of ambition.
The Mars person can heal by following their life passion. The Chiron person can heal by learning the lessons of healthy assertiveness, independence, and confidence from Mars. One partner will help the others to take action and to speak up.
You inspire each other to claim your authority. You cultivate each other’s strength of character to pursue your goals fearlessly.
The Mars partner empowers the Chiron person to protect their principles and speak their truth, even when it’s hard. Chiron’s unconditional support also gives Mars the courage to heal old wounds around self-esteem and self-expression. They see Mars’ inner fighter and encourage them lovingly.
2. Sexual Healing Occurs
Physical intimacy often has a healing effect when Mars and Chiron are sextile in synastry. Your old shame can dissolve through conscious lovemaking.
You create a safe haven to work through sexual wounding and hurts together. Chiron is the Wounded Healer, so this relationship acts as a healing balm if you’ve been wounded due to having sex before marriage. There are karmic consequences of this act that can lead to severe trauma.
However, the emotional safety of Mars-Chiron sextile encourages genuine intimacy and playful experimentation. You experience deep healing and liberation of self. You respect your partner as a god/goddess they are. As your passion ignites, so does your sense of self-empowerment increase.
3. You Heal By Taking Action
Mars desires direct action while Chiron seeks healing. Mars can inspire Chiron to get moving and make dreams a reality through empowered action steps.
In turn, Chiron helps Mars direct their abundant energy towards meaningful goals. Action loses its reckless edge and becomes determined, focused, and purposeful under Chiron’s influence.
4. Your Disagreements Get Resolved Maturely
Even when you hit bumps in the road, Mars-Chiron sextile encourages you to fight fair. You bristle against violence and injustice yet stay open-hearted when resolving conflicts. Your shared wisdom keeps disagreements from escalating into a landmine.
When tensions rise, you make an effort to understand each other’s perspectives rather than judge harshly. You might take some space to cool down, but you always come back to listen.
The maturity here promotes genuine listening instead of imposing your views. Any hurts can get discussed and mended through active care-taking afterwards. When you heal your partner, you heal yourself.