1. You Feel A Strong Spiritual Connection
With Mars sextile Neptune synastry, you feel an instant spiritual bond with your partner. Something about their confidence just feels familiar to your soul.
Your spirits can communicate on an intuitive, unspoken level. Neptune’s intuition can understand Mars’ hidden sensitivity. Mars’ ambitions can match well with Neptune’s aspirations.
This relationship has great physical (Mars) and emotional (Neptune) compatibility. You often know how the other is feeling without them saying anything.
2. Your Sexual Chemistry Is Electrifying
The attraction between you sizzles with Mars sextile Neptune synastry! Sexually, you can connect on a deep tantric level that goes beyond physical pleasure. Making love is a rich, spiritual experience where you feel your souls merge into oneness. It’s romantic, ecstatic, and transcendent!
Fantasy and roleplaying may come alive here. You might use candles, music, textures, or scents to set the mood.
If you’re into Tantra, it’s important to know that practicing Tantra can easily lead to evil outcomes that have no turning back.
3. Your Imaginations Complement Each Other
In this synastry, Neptune’s dreams are strengthened by Mars’ practical action. Together, you can imagine incredible ideas and are determined to make them come true.
You inspire each other’s creativity and can bring excitement into each other’s lives through art, music, poetry, dancing, and other artistic expressions. This partnership breeds hope and idealism. Life looks bright when you dream together.
4. You May Share Spiritual Interests
Chances are you both have a natural curiosity about spiritual topics when Mars sextiles Neptune. You may enjoy discussing metaphysics, astrology, mysticism, the meaning of life, or paranormal phenomena. Mars can give Neptune’s dreams a sense of direction, while Neptune’s empathy can teach Mars tolerance.
You make great meditation or yoga partners since you’re both spiritually inclined. You might enjoy New-age healing practices together like crystal work, reiki, sound baths, or energy healing.
5. You Have Shared Compassion For Others
You share a heart-centered desire to help others when Mars and Neptune sextile. Together, you have compassion for those who are struggling in society. You want to make a positive difference in the world.
Volunteering, activism, and charity work all appeal to you as a couple. You might advocate together for human rights, environmental protection, or animal welfare.
Spiritual values like kindness, forbearance, and oneness guide your actions together. You bring out the humanitarian in each other. With Mars and Neptune linked, your relationship fosters growth for both yourselves and society.
6. You Protect Each Other
When Mars sextiles Neptune in synastry, there’s a protective spiritual power that flows between you, shielding you from negative forces. Together, you feel divinely guided, like your angels and spirit guides are watching over you.
If one of you faces a threat, the other can intuitively sense the danger. You act to defend each other, especially emotionally. You provide a safe space where you two can be vulnerable and intimate.
7. You Inspire Each Other’s Courage
With Mars sextile Neptune synastry, you stir up bravery in each other. When your partner lacks confidence, you remind them of their inner strength until they feel empowered again. You don’t let each other give up in the face of challenges.
If one of you is afraid to pursue a dream, the other can offer the perfect pep talk to face those fears. You embolden each other to fight for what’s right, speak your truths, and go after what sets your souls on fire. Fear won’t hold you back.
Knowing your partner believes in you makes everything seem possible. With their encouragement, no goal seems out of reach. Together, you feel like superheroes, ready to change the world, starting with yourselves.