1. Lessons In Assertiveness
With Mars square Chiron in synastry, your relationship can become a painful classroom for learning about healthy assertiveness. The Mars person may have trouble expressing their power, desires, and confidence. Lessons will emerge about taking action, being self-assured, and communicating your desires directly.
The Chiron person may express their feelings so bluntly that they sometimes border on being violent, insensitive, and hostile. This can make Mars reconsider their own angry self. Mars may want to avoid confrontation, or they could erupt violently in response to Chiron’s wrath, which was Mars’ old version of themselves in the past.
Through this partnership, you often re-play old relational patterns. Where you once were too arrogant and aggressive, you now learn karmic lessons here for healing. This square reminds you to correct your past mistakes.
2. Challenges In Initiating Action
With Chiron square Mars synastry, you may struggle with taking action in this relationship, especially if you’re the Mars person. You may wait until your partner initiates plans instead of boldly proposing your ideas yourself. You may downplay your own desires and just go along with what your partner wants.
Growth happens through courageously developing your self-confidence, but you need to be aware of not letting your confidence become aggression.
3. Anger And Resentment Can Build
With Mars-Chiron square, suppressed anger and resentment can build between you. Your old wounds can get aggravated when your ambitions are challenged or criticized by your partner.
You may bite your tongue to keep the peace, while quietly seething inside. Or when you do follow your passion, it can erupt explosively against your partner’s direction. Your outbursts could end up being out of proportion.
Alternatively, your partner may become overly demanding, possessive, or controlling over you. They may express their anger without restraint, triggering your own defense mechanism. Either way, suppressed Mars’ anger can metastasize over time into volcanic destruction when it goes unaddressed.
4. Sexual Tensions Can Happen
Sexually, Mars square Chiron synastry can be complex. For one partner, sex may be a painful sensitive spot. Physical intimacy can reawaken their past hurts, shame, or abuse issues. Touch could feel scary in this case, not pleasurable.
The other partner may feel unsatisfied. This aspect can indicate mismatched libidos and sexual styles, which can breed frustration and irritation. There can be a karmic lack of compatibility around your physical intimacy, in a way that you don’t understand why.
5. Competitiveness Can Strain The Bond
Mars square Chiron synastry can breed an unhealthy spirit of competition between you. Your pride and ego can get tied into always being the winner, the sexiest, the most competent, or the most successful in the relationship.
In efforts to prove yourself, you may undermine your partner’s self-worth. Jealousy and put-downs could strain the bond over time as you jockey for the top position.
At its core, this competitive dynamic reflects inner insecurities you both wrestle with – your Chiron’s wounds. Offering genuine praise and acknowledging each other’s talents will neutralize your egotism. Mutual support, not rivalry, strengthens your bond.