1. The Confusion Factor
With Neptune opposite Pluto synastry, the practical day-to-day aspects of your relationship can become confusing. This aspect can make it hard to think rationally or realistically about your partnership.
You may struggle to set healthy boundaries around your bad habits. Pluto wants to transform Neptune’s toxic spiritual beliefs, but Neptune’s evasiveness can make Pluto feel irritated.
2. The Urge To Escape
Fantasy, spirituality, creative arts, and imagination are what you can bond together with Neptune opposite Pluto synastry. You may use your relationship as an escape from reality’s harshness.
Drugs, alcohol, weed, and other vices may be used to provide an illusory oasis. But there are karmic consequences of drug abuse.
3. Secrets And Privacy Issues
Neptune opposite Pluto synastry can indicate a strong urge to retain privacy within the relationship. You and your partner may keep many unspoken agendas between you.
There can be confusion about what’s truly going on beneath the surface. You may not feel totally safe to reveal your secret self.
4. The Rollercoaster Of Emotions
Perhaps the emotions between you are incredibly powerful but not always stable. This synastry aspect can bring a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows.
When things are good, you’re on cloud nine. But when conflicts arise, you may plunge into despair. Mood swings and dramatic emotional reactions are likely with this Neptune-Pluto aspect.
5. Power Struggles
Beneath the enchantment of Neptune opposite Pluto synastry lies a struggle for power and control. Due to Neptune’s ambiguity, Pluto likely wants to control Neptune’s friendships and schedules.
Manipulation, deception, and lies can be problematic. The risk of loss, jealousy, and possessiveness can run high in this relationship. Anger is a real danger here.
6. All Or Nothing Attitude
Neptune opposite Pluto synastry tends to foster an “all or nothing” attitude toward your commitment. You’re unlikely to take a casual approach in this connection. There can be an intense energy that screams “110% or 0%”!
8. The Transformative Impact
This can undoubtedly be a life-altering relationship with Neptune opposite Pluto synastry. Pluto can destroy Neptune’s toxic attachments, while Neptune can eliminate Pluto’s self-undoing.
You both experience incredible growth and self-realization together. But the changes are often catalyzed by crisis points.