1. Intense Attraction Meets Confusion
When Neptune squares Pluto in synastry, your intense attraction to each other often has a sense of mystical confusion. You feel irresistibly drawn to each other like magnets, consumed by electricity between you. It feels fated and intoxicating.
But soon your inner doubts can arise. Plule rules hidden agenda and Neptune indicates evasiveness, so there can be many secrets in your relationship. Your partner remains an enigma you try to painfully unravel.
No matter how close you get, parts of them feel obscured. Trying to understand your partner’s true intention is like trying to catch the wind by your hand.
You might suspect each other of ulterior motives yet can’t decipher the truth, because you have no proof. This can fuel an obsessive pattern of over-analyzing each other’s words and actions. Neptune-Pluto square can indicate mixed feelings.
2. The Risk Of Betrayal Runs High
Such a strong yet confused psychic pull between Neptune and Pluto can breed an environment ripe for betrayal and disillusionment. At worst, infidelity or broken trust may happen.
Deception and lies may accumulate because emotional honesty is avoided. Rather than reveal your vulnerable inner truths, you may hide behind walls and masks, hoping your fantasies will sustain the relationship.
But constructing fantasy can ultimately separate you more than bind you. The square’s tense energy demands utmost honesty and loyalty, which illusion often hides.
In this bond, you must be willing to talk to your partner about your tolerable boundaries and acceptable behaviors. You have to trust them first before you expect them to trust you.
Yet if they violate the trust after you trust them, then only life’s karmic consequences can become their greatest teacher.
3. Power Struggles Can Cut Both Ways
Neptune square Pluto synastry can brew power struggles and push-pull dynamics. You may feel alternately disempowered and then domineering over each other. Equality feels elusive.
Passive power plays may arise too, like emotional unavailability or silent treatments. You may try to manipulate each other through subtle means where direct actions feel risky yet necessary.
This synastry aspect has a way of drawing out each of your destructive, immature selves. Your shadow sides and bad habits can feel magnified and reinforced within the dynamic.
4. Mental Health Challenges Can Be Magnified
The high-stress interaction between Neptune and Pluto can destabilize your mental well-being over time. You may exacerbate anxiety, depression, addictions, and compulsive behaviors in each other.
Pre-existing emotional wounds may feel constantly re-triggered. Triggers seem everywhere. Adrenaline, cortisol, and fear may skyrocket out of control. Overthinking and panic often replace peace and calm.
Getting help from your friend or family is wise if this aspect sends either of you into a downward spiral. Don’t be afraid to utilize therapy and counseling. Healing happens by first acknowledging you truly need healing.