1. The Urge To Transform And Be Transformed
Transformation is the name of the game with Pluto quincunx North Node synastry. You may desperately want to be transformed by this person and to utterly transform them in return. There is a compulsive urge to shape, change, and remake each other.
Of course, this intense urge to transform can easily tip into trying to control the other person. The quincunx reminds you that you can’t really change your partner. You can only support your partner to change themselves.
2. The Destructive And Addictive Undertow
Pluto quincunx North Node synastry can stir up many compulsive and destructive impulses. Obsessive behavior, manipulation, silent treatment, clinging to a stubborn opinion, etc. – you may recognize some of these patterns emerging.
Pluto may not yield to North Node’s life goals, while North Node may not support Pluto’s ambitions.
Both your instincts can also be to conceal your full truth initially, only sharing your half-truth. But your emotional radars can detect shadows in each other, which can create distrust and suspicion. The relationship can feel like it has an aura of lingering mystery.
3. The Dangers Of Addiction And Darkness
The compulsive undercurrents of Pluto quincunx North Node synastry can lead to unhealthy addictions. Pluto must learn to conquer their dark side under North Node’s light of wisdom. North Node also learns to go out of their comfort zone under Pluto’s relentless pressure for change.
This dynamic can bring out each of your shadow sides – the part we all have that includes destructive emotions, desires, and impulses. Don’t be afraid to shine a light on your shadows together. Our darker aspects need love as much as trees need water.
4. The Possibility For Rebirth And Healing
Though challenging, Pluto quincunx North Node in synastry holds the possibility for powerful healing and rebirth if you’re willing to do the inner work. By discovering your compulsions and fears, you can release old patterns and false needs.
You must be brave in the descent into your own underworld. By accepting your whole self – light and dark together – you can emerge renewed with a soul that is truly free from duality. This synastry aspect represents an opportunity for a deep cleansing of old wounds if you have the courage to change.