1. Intense Attraction Mixed With Power Struggles
When Pluto squares Lilith in synastry, your sexually charged attraction meets equally intense power struggles. The raw magnetism between you is undeniable and often overwhelming. Yet your relationship also has a compulsive, obsessive edge that breeds control issues.
You may feel fated to keep coming together yet doomed to clash. There’s a love-hate quality to this Pluto-Lilith bond. You’re drawn to each other yet threatened by the same level of desire and intensity. Love and intimacy feel dangerous yet irresistible.
This combustive square fuels a complex dance between merging vs. losing yourselves, independence vs. interdependence. You activate each other’s deepest insecurities along with uncontrollable lust and longing. It’s a recipe for both fiery passion and wounding conflict.
2. The Sexual Chemistry Is Coupled With Jealousy
As both Pluto and Lilith represent different aspects of sex, the sexual chemistry between you is nothing short of volcanic. Passion erupts whenever you’re together. Your clothes can’t come off fast enough. Appetites for erotic exploration are inspired.
You want to engage each other’s fantasies, taboos, and uninhibited sexual desires voraciously. Yet underneath may simmer jealousy, control issues, and irrational fears of betrayal.
With Pluto square Lilith synastry, sex can become the battlefield where your deepest wounds, insecurities, and power struggles play out, often passive-aggressively. Intimacy can become a complex minefield yet the lure proves too seductive to resist. Your egos may clash even as your desires merge explosively.
In this dynamic, Lilith’s rebellion meets Pluto’s stubbornness. Violence can erupt if your shadow sides are not restrained.
3. Secrets Can Threaten The Foundation
With this square, open transparency doesn’t come naturally. You both feel safer hiding certain parts of yourselves. Deep fears of rejection can feed this secrecy.
Private agendas can brew as your inner lives are closely guarded, distorting the true perceptions of your connection. Trust may falter as buried truths later surface, threatening the foundation between you. Paranoia and suspicion of what else hasn’t been disclosed may haunt the relationship.
For true intimacy to develop, you must both learn to take risks and courageously reveal your authentic selves, demons and all. Otherwise, this unstable square will keep breeding mistrust and anxiety about what lies beneath the silences. You can’t really know each other unless you trust one another.