1. Healing Deep Wounds
With Chiron square Lilith synastry, there is deep healing. But you’ll probably need to face some difficult truths about yourself first.
This aspect can bring up unresolved issues from your past. Chiron can reveal Lilith’s old traumas while Lilith can illuminate Chiron’s karmic patterns of hurt.
Your hidden desires, addictions, and destructive behaviors will be revealed. Dealing with these challenges won’t be easy. It could lead to the reopening of your old injuries that require healing.
2. Power Struggles Can Be Constant
The squared Chiron-Lilith energy can produce ongoing power struggles within the relationship. You may frequently butt heads trying to establish who wields more personal power and influence.
Neither of you feels comfortable relinquishing full control to the other. You may engage in subtle manipulations or mind games to gain the upper hand. Issues of submission, domination, and authority can be problematic.
Chiron square Lilith synastry suggests you’re re-encountering someone from a past life. Karmic unhealed wounds will resurface. Soul-level forgiveness and sacrifice are required to mend the broken karma between you.
3. Sexual Issues May Arise
Chiron-Lilith square can breed sexual struggles around fidelity, commitment, and shame. Your thorny issues around who’s “in charge” in the bedroom may also arise.
You may judge each other as too sexually demanding or freed. This can fuel tensions around who sets the rules and controls. Any discomfort or inadequacy around sex can get magnified under this aspect.
What you need to feel safe and whole may directly oppose your partner’s desire and passion. One person wants to take it slow in intimacy, while the other wants to rush the process toward penetration and ecstasy, for example.
4. Intolerance Can Close Off Healing
With Chiron square Lilith synastry, you may be intolerant of your partner’s dark side. Chiron may not provide the needed empathy, while Lilith may not offer the needed patience.
Shaming or guilting your partner for their wounds will only make them withdraw, hurt, and stonewall. Providing a compassionate space for open communication is essential. Communication here means both listening and speaking, and your understanding must be mutual.
Ask not what your partner can do for you. Ask what you can do for your partner.