1. You Trigger Each Other’s Rebellious Side
When Jupiter squares Lilith in synastry, Jupiter can stimulate Lilith’s rebellious, rule-breaking side. Neither of you likes being restricted or conforming to boundaries and standards.
Together, you can bring out each other’s extreme attitudes and behavior. You encourage one another to challenge social norms, take risks, and speak unconventional truths. You walk a fine line between expansive growth and fanaticism.
This aspect fosters experimentation, adventure, and embracing your authentic selves. But it sometimes leans toward excess and hedonism. You may not be that much responsible after the fun times have passed. Carelessness can be an issue here.
2. You Shake Up Each Other’s Perspectives
In this relationship, you expand each other’s worldviews immensely. Your Lilith partner shows you alternative ways of seeing reality that you’ve never considered before. And you introduce philosophies that profoundly shake up their belief system too.
You can have passionate discussions about ethics, religion, spirituality, and life itself. However, Jupiter’s beliefs and Lilith’s occult perspectives may clash. Your spiritual values and worldviews may seem opposed. You each cling tightly to your opinions and may see the other as misguided.
You debate passionately about what you feel is right or true. Over time, you leave behind limiting views and move toward greater wisdom – but not without some conflicts first.
Trying to change each other’s ideology usually backfires. You tend to dig your heels in where you should compromise. Until mutual understanding is developed, self-righteousness can damage the bond.
3. Power Struggles Can Occur
With Jupiter square Lilith synastry, tensions can arise around issues of power and control. If equality isn’t consciously built into the foundation, one partner may dominate and try to limit the other’s freedom.
For example, one of you might establish rigid rules or demand total commitment too soon, or jealousy can bring about attempts to restrict the other’s social life. If Lilith oversteps Jupiter’s moral boundaries, this can create friction as well.
Jupiter tends to be dogmatic while Lilith can be rebelliously aggressive. Peace in this relationship requires you to feel both autonomous and connected. You need to find freedom within commitment, not freedom outside of what’s acceptable.
4. You Can Bring Out Each Other’s Wild Side
In this relationship, you can draw out each other’s primal wild side – in both positive and negative ways. On the good side, you help each other pursue a creative passion, go on new adventures, and get in touch with your hidden self.
The shadow side emerges when you descend into overindulgence together. Addiction issues can arise, along with compulsive spending. Your actions tend to stem from impulses rather than wisdom. You might enable each other’s bad habits.
The solution is encouraging moderation and self-restraint. Without temperance, you may not go far with this aspect.