1. Fiery Passion Meets Deep Wounding
When Mars opposes Chiron in synastry, the fiery passionate nature of Mars confronts the past emotional wounds of Chiron. Your strong sexual chemistry can have a hidden element of painful insecurities. The expression of anger and aggression in this bond often masks fear, suffering, and pain from the past.
At first, you’re drawn in by each other’s magnetism and charisma. But soon, old wounds can get triggered. Instead of taking action, one partner may freeze up. Instead of working on your problems, you may chase hopeless goals.
Your hot passion can also turn to hostility. This aspect often brings your core wounds about self-confidence and self-assertion to the surface to be healed – but not without some turmoil. You must confront painful issues that have long held you back from genuine self-expression. The process is uncomfortable but leads to growth.
2. Power Struggles Can Arise
With Mars opposite Chiron synastry, Mars seeks control and domination while Chiron wants acceptance and cooperation. Power struggles can erupt as a result. You may compete over who’s in charge or who needs who more.
One of you might come across as aggressive and demanding. The other then may feel rejected or not valued. When hurt, one or both of you may also withdraw or rebel violently. But this active/passive aggression may just provoke more resentment. An unhealthy game of push-pull can develop.
In this bond, you need to recognize your defense mechanisms, which are usually instinctual because Mars rules your primal urges. This aspect requires you to make the unconscious conscious so you can be together peacefully.
3. Anger Can Erupt
With fiery Mars touching sensitive Chiron, anger often arises abruptly and explosively. At times, a minor issue can trigger disproportionate outrage. But the intensity often reveals much older hurts.
Past anger problems, sexual abuse, rejection issues, and boundary violations may all fuel the inner rage. Your emotions can run very high in this bond. Things can get heated quickly with Mars opposite Chiron synastry.
When your partner hurts you, they definitely carry those hurts themselves. It’s important to pause and talk it through maturely.