1. A Strong But Confusing Attraction
When Neptune and Lilith form a quincunx in synastry, it creates a complicated magnetism between you. You feel drawn to each other, almost addictively, but the reasons why often remain cloaked in mystery.
It could be due to an unconscious and untamed force, symbolized by Neptune and Lilith respectively. You share an undeniable intimacy and a very strong psychic connection. Yet defining the true nature of your bond is like trying to hold water in your hands.
No matter how much you desire each other, uncertainty may haunt you. Your partner’s motivations can feel unclear. Neptune’s evasiveness can trigger Lilith’s manipulation. Hidden agendas could corrode trust. But still, an intoxicating fascination with each other persists.
2. Fantasies And Projections Can Cloud Reality
Neptune-Lilith quincunx can breed many fantasies and illusions between you, making it hard to see each other clearly. Neptune’s romance can confusingly mix with Lilith’s imagination. You both idealize each other, seeing what you want to see versus what’s real.
Projecting fantasies onto each other can indeed complicate things enormously. You’re drawn to traits that don’t genuinely exist in the other but are mere figments of your imagination and longing. Disappointment inevitably follows.
This aspect also increases the element of secrets in your relationship, making the waters even murkier. Neither totally reveals their authentic selves, distorting the truthfulness of your connection.
3. The Mystique Can Be Alluring
While projections and illusions confuse things, they also create an alluring veil of mystique between you. Your aura of mystery enhances the chemistry and intrigue between you.
You’re never 100% certain who the other is, which makes them ever-fascinating. Had their masks dropped fully, perhaps the magic would fade. But the quincunx dynamic retains the glamour.
Sometimes, you’re more drawn to each other’s masked personas than vulnerable real essences. The projections often hold more appeal than the naked truth, until the reality shatters the fantasy, of course.
4. Power Struggles Are Common
When rebellious Lilith clashes with hazy Neptune, power struggles may often erupt. Neither of you is adept at surrendering your freedom in the relationship.
Lilith often seeks total autonomy, while Neptune can dissolve whatever boundary it touches. You may feel each other is too non-committal.
There is an element of jealousy coming from Lilith. There is also an element of deception coming from Neptune. The dynamic can breed doubts and rebellion, especially around issues of fidelity, cheating, and sexual freedom.
The quincunx asks you to set a clear boundary of what’s acceptable and tolerable in this bond.
5. The Bedroom Is An Escape
For romantic couples with this synastry aspect, the bedroom often becomes an escapist space where fantasies play out and realities can be avoided. Between the sheets, anything goes!
Your sex may feel transcendent, almost addictive. Through erotic play, you can both lose yourselves and access a higher plane of consciousness. Each encounter feels like its own world disengaged from the mundane life.
But beware of this temptation toward excessive escapism via sex and fantasy. If you use drugs, marijuana, or alcohol to enhance your ecstasy, there are karmic consequences of doing so.
6. Emotional Manipulation May Occur
Neptune quincunx Lilith synastry can breed subtle manipulation as you try to bend each other to your wills. You want to get your unfulfilled needs to be manipulatively fulfilled. Passive aggression may also manifest.
Instead of directness, you may use silent treatment and psychological tactics until the other aligns with your hidden agenda. Your true needs are downplayed by your meaningless wants. Irritation will follow as you can’t see the truth of your connection.