1. Reality Feels Tough, Fantasy Feels Dreamy
With Saturn square Neptune in synastry, you’re prone to extremes regarding reality versus fantasy. You, as the Saturn person, may think of yourself as someone who is practical and realistic.
You approach the relationship with common sense, wanting to build something real together brick-by-brick. But your Neptune partner may prefer dreaming up romantic fantasies in La La Land, avoiding reality.
You see life’s challenges are necessary to prove the loyalty and commitment of your partnership. But to your Neptune partner, you may seem like a monotonous killjoy.
Saturn seeks concrete reality, while Neptune dissolves that reality. The mismatch between Saturn’s practicality and Neptune’s dreams can be frustrating. You may feel they have their head in the clouds, while they may see you as too gloomy and pessimistic. Saturn can see Neptune as ignorant, while Neptune can regard Saturn as cold.
2. Discipline And Boundaries Meet Confusion
Saturn desires structure, plans, limits, and discipline. But with Neptune involved, adaptability and going with the flow are the name of the game. Your approaches to managing life and the relationship may diverge greatly.
You, as the Saturn person, may prefer a clear system for how things are done – financial accounts, household chores, parenting styles, relational rules, etc. Security gives you comfort. But your Neptune partner may resist rigid structures, wanting more freedom.
Your relationship can lack direction because of these clashes. You may not fulfill the responsibilities that you’re supposed to do.
You may try to establish healthy boundaries, while your Neptune partner keeps dissolving them. They may not respect your limits, so you could feel disregarded. This can breed resentment over time.
3. Your Motivations Can Be Unclear
Figuring out each other’s motivations is tough with Saturn square Neptune synastry. Your drives don’t usually make sense to each other. Your partner’s intentions can feel hard to detect at times.
You may come across as oppressive to your Neptune partner without meaning to. While they may seem frustratingly ambiguous and irresponsible to you.
You may think they are too loose about commitments. But they might see you as lacking courage and boring, stifled by limitations. You’re both left doubting each other’s approach to life and love.
The truth is, you need each other’s perspectives to be balanced. Your Saturnian practicality can ground your Neptune partner’s dreams into achievable goals. And their flexibility can lighten your heavy aura so responsibility doesn’t feel too burdensome.
4. Escapism And Avoidance
This intense square can breed avoidance and escapism in your relationship, which builds walls between you two. Reality feels harsh while fantasies offer comfort.
Rather than deal with the relationship issues directly, your Neptune partner may find it easier to escape into distractions and addictions, or to fantasize about how perfect things could be rather than face how they are.
Moreover, avoiding closeness often feels safer for Neptune than risking conflict, rejection, or disappointment. The problem is, escaping doesn’t solve anything long-term. Your issues will only compound without transparency and complete honesty with each other.
5. The Risk Of Betrayal And Disappointment
Saturn square Neptune synatry can leave your relationship prone to disappointment, disillusionment, and even betrayal. Secrets and deception can breed too easily here.
When betrayal does occur, the devastation can be intense because it shatters the hopeful fantasies about each other. Painful realities can no longer be denied. The relationship can feel permanently damaged, impossible to rebuild trust.
Only with conscious commitment and open communication at the beginning stage of your connection can you overcome this aspect’s pitfalls. You should talk to each other about what’s acceptable before negative events happen.
If they violate your trust, they will be met with divine retribution. The key is to have genuine conversations about what loyalty means for each of you.
6. Supporting Each Other’s Growth
For this relationship to flourish, you must avoid trying to change each other. You should support your partner to change themselves instead.
Most importantly, you should believe this relationship can work even when you feel disillusioned. You will grow wiser with the experiences gained from this relationship. A successful partnership requires you to fall in love many times with the same person!