1. Expect Dramatic Shifts And Changes
When Uranus and Pluto form a quincunx in synastry, expect your relationship to undergo many dramatic shifts and changes. The status quo can get shaken up regularly.
Stability is elusive with this restless aspect. As soon as you get comfortable, curveballs may start flying. Uranus’ unpredictability can intensify Pluto’s insecurity. Change is the only constant between you two.
The catalyst for spiritual evolution is embedded in this relationship. Your personal growth may not happen without periodic crises.
2. Power Struggles Can Arise Frequently
The quincunx between Uranus and Pluto can breed frequent power struggles. Uranus’ desire for freedom may clash with Pluto’s demands for responsibility. Pluto wants to control, while Uranus wants to break free. Neither of you likes conceding authority to the other.
Outright anger and stubbornness are common when you clash. You may dig your heels in and refuse to hear each other out. Patience is required during your conflicts but often lacking.
At times, dramatic displays of might can be used to overpower the other and “win” the battle. Uranus’ rebelliousness doesn’t like Pluto’s stubbornness. But this can lead to destruction, not resolution. For true synergy, you both must be willing to lose so that the relationship can win.
3. Your Long-Term Visions May Clash
With Uranus-Pluto quincunx, Uranus’ long-term visions and Pluto’s ambitions can be at odds. What you each deem moral, right, or meaningful may clash frequently.
For example, one of you may prize security and tradition while the other champions independence and modern revolution. You may have contradictory worldviews and definitions of integrity/success.