1. Expect A Power Struggle
With Uranus square Pluto in synastry, your egos often collide, and a monumental power struggle ensues. Uranus’ desire for independence may clash with Pluto’s controlling tendency. Trying to overpower each other in this bond can become a constant theme.
Uranus wants freedom but Pluto demands responsibility. This synastry aspect can breed anger and violence. Ideally, Pluto transforms Uranus’ stubbornness while Uranus provides revelation to Pluto’s dark side.
2. Sudden, Shocking Changes Can Be The Norm
Get ready for intense and sudden upheaval when Uranus squares Pluto in synastry. The very commitment this relationship is built on seems subject to unexpected earthquakes.
When change comes, it’s usually disruptive initially. The status quo gets shattered in a flash. You’re both forced to let of negative habits and adapt swiftly to new circumstances, which can be stressful.
Over time, these breakdowns give rise to breakthroughs. But first, you must withstand periods of uncertainty as your foundations are torn down and rebuilt anew. It’s important to seek slow, constructive adjustment rather than immediate, destructive change.
3. Passions Can Run Hot Then Cold
With Uranus square Pluto synastry, passions often ignite like fireworks between you, only to fizzle out as quickly and unexpectedly. Particularly, Uranus may be erratic and unpredictable in their behaviors.
Your hot chemistry and sexy attraction can fluctuate wildly. One day, you can’t keep your hands off each other. The next, you may feel zero connection.
Possessiveness can happen. But Pluto’s manipulative tactics may only backfire by fanning the flames of Uranus’ rebellion. The tighter you grip, the more they slip away.
4. Separations Are Common But Can Be Healing
Periodic separations tend to occur under Uranus-Pluto square. You may cycle through coming together, pulling away, and then reuniting again later.
At first, the distance can feel devastating. But soon the time apart proves necessary. It allows you space to process important life lessons and see each other clearly again.
With self-reflection, you learn to view separations as purposeful rather than personal. Absence makes the heart grow fonder in this bond.