1. The Attraction Has A Hazy Quality
When Mars forms a quincunx to Neptune in synastry, the attraction between you feels mystical but also confusing. There’s a sense of otherworldly chemistry – powerful yet elusive. When you’re apart, you desperately want to be together. But when you’re together, doubts can creep in.
Mars may particularly feel a lack of certainty in the Neptune partner. Neptune’s empathy and affection may feel unpredictable like the weather itself. You may wonder if their actions match their true intentions.
Hence, Neptune’s evasiveness can trigger Mars’ anger in this relationship. Mars tends to be direct while Neptune tends to be indirect about shared goals.
While you’re intensely drawn to each other, commitment may prove challenging. It’s an odd, hazy attraction that never seems to solidify into anything tangible. The quincunx breeds yearning but not fruition.
2. Your Ambitions May Not Match
With Mars quincunx Neptune synastry, Mars’ ambitions may not match Neptune’s higher purposes. One person’s visions can indirectly undermine the other’s dreams. One can be materialistic while the other is spiritual.
You might also suspect your partner of having trust issues or passive-aggressive tendencies. For example, the Neptune partner may seem aloof but deny anything is wrong, yet you sense they are upset. Or the Mars person might make sharp comments that convey their anger, but won’t discuss their issues directly.
You may withhold intimacy when feeling attacked by your partner. This can leave problems unresolved unless honest communication is cultivated in your relationship. Passive aggression only begets passive aggression. You might hint at dissatisfaction rather than working on it.
3. The Bedroom Connection Feels Spiritual
Sexually, you two make an odd match – and it’s often otherworldly passionate! Mars-Neptune quincunx can create a fascinating clash of styles that activates each person’s untapped erotic potential.
Your lovemaking may feel dreamy, mystical, and designed to merge souls. Yet, “are we really right for each other?” You wonder.
Your bedroom connection often defies rational understanding. You don’t know why the sex is so intense yet your partnership can feel lacking something. It’s like a mismatch yet somehow it works physically.
According to Wise Cultivator, there are spiritual consequences of having sex before marriage. Your sexual connection has created a psychic bond between you that breaking from it seems challenging. Afterward, you might be left with the same nebulous dynamic that asks you “why” you enter this relationship in the first place.
4. Addictive Escapism Can Be Tempting
The hypnotic attraction between you can lead to avoidance behaviors and addictive escapism when your issues emerge. Rather than confront problems directly, you may lose yourselves in fantasy, drugs, and marijuana, dreaming up idealized visions of each other to avoid facing reality.
Addictions can provide temporary relief but further damage your bond. Drugs, weed, and alcohol only postpone yet intensify your problems. In some cases, unethical forms of escapism can manifest as emotional cheating through porn and masturbation.
The quincunx demands reality checks. It’s important not to avoid the complexity of your relationship through self-undoing behaviors and intoxication.