1. Intense Sexual Chemistry And Attraction
With Pluto trine Lilith synastry, the sexual chemistry and attraction between you are often immediate and almost overpowering in their intensity.
From the first meeting, the temperature in the room seems to spike and the blood starts to flow faster. There is an undeniable carnal magnetism and desire between you two that heightens all the senses. The connection often feels taboo and forbidden, which only serves to increase the thrill and excitement.
Pluto can draw out Lilith’s deepest, darkest desires. Lilith’s charm and mystical quality can also attract Pluto like monkeys going after bananas. You want to explore every corner of ecstasy with each other.
2. Secrets Are Shared
With Pluto trine Lilith synastry, you strip each other down to the core. Your naked souls are revealed. Even your most closely guarded secrets don’t stay hidden for long.
Lilith can empathize with Pluto’s shadow self, while Pluto can transform Lilith’s dark side. You create a safe space where anything can be shared without judgment. Dark corners of your beings are brought to light and accepted. This forms profound intimacy and bonding.
You heal together by exorcising your inner demons, repressive conditioning, shame, and guilt through the majestic power of revealed secrets. Pretense and falsehood get discarded. In their place arises healing and liberating vulnerability.
3. Soulmate Or Karmic Bond
More than just sexual chemistry, Pluto-Lilith trine connection often feels fated, as if these two souls were destined to meet and explore the depths of passion and intimacy together.
Past life links are possible, and the relationship may have a powerful sense of déjà vu, like coming home after a long journey.
For some, this can feel like a true soulmate bond forged over many lifetimes. For others, it may play out more as a turbulent karmic relationship that offers great spiritual lessons. Either way, the relationship tends to feel significant and life-altering for both parties.