1. The Attraction And Chemistry
When you have Mars sextile Lilith in synastry, the attraction and chemistry between you two can be intense and almost magnetic. You likely felt an instant draw towards each other when you first met.
This sextile can create a powerful sexual connection, with each of you desiring to get as close as possible to the other, both emotionally and physically.
You can bring out each other’s unbridled passion and primal instincts. There is a raw, untamed quality to your relationship that can be exhilarating for you both.
The Lilith person awakens the adventurous side of the Mars person while Mars encourages Lilith to embrace their sexuality fully. The passion between you is hot and spicy like a red hot chili pepper!
2. The Sexual Compatibility
The sexual compatibility between you two is off the roof! In the bedroom, you’re willing to try new things and explore each other’s fantasies. Both Mars and Lilith rule sexual urges and libido, after all.
The Lilith person energizes the Mars person to get in touch with their masculine desires while Mars encourages Lilith to unleash their feminine sensual side. Your physical connection supports your emotional connection.
However, Mars sextile Lilith synastry calls for the virtue of mutual respect and self-restraint regarding your intimate matters. While there can be great sexual compatibility, it doesn’t mean going to bed with this person will help you fulfill your life’s purpose. There are spiritual consequences of having sex before marriage you should be aware of.
3. The Excitement And Vitality
Life with each other is anything but dull! This Mars-Lilith synastry can infuse your relationship with a sense of adventure, excitement, and vitality. You’d love taking risks together and seeking out new thrills and experiences.
The Lilith person has a way of bringing out the Mars person’s enthusiastic, more spontaneous side. In turn, Mars motivates Lilith to take action to heal past shame.
You two thrive on the exhilaration you feel in each other’s presence. You have so much energy when you’re united and may never run out of ideas for fun activities.
4. The Mutual Understanding
On a deeper level, Mars-Lilith sextile allows you to intuitively understand each other in a way that goes beyond words and logic. Your relationship tends to have less drama, power struggles, or violent conflicts compared to other Mars-Lilith aspects.
Lilith encourages Mars to pursue their passions while Mars gives Lilith the freedom they crave. The mutual acceptance runs deep between you. You support each other’s independent spirit rather than trying to change or restrict one another.
5. The Protectiveness
You may feel a strong urge to protect each other with Mars sextile Lilith synastry. Mars especially has a champion spirit and wants to defend Lilith from any threats or dangers that may come up. In turn, Lilith offers active nurturance and a safe space for Mars.
You shield each other from negativity and those who may try to break you down or stand in your way. The bonding between you creates a protective shield of trust and dedication.
6. The Balance Of Masculine And Feminine
Mars represents the masculine energy while Lilith symbolizes the feminine energy. The masculine of Mars brings direction, momentum, and action, but the feminine of Lilith is the active feminine. While this kind of feminine brings emotional depth, creativity, and intuition, it can also arouse passion and self-sufficiency in the bond.
You’re able to reap the benefits of both energies in harmony together. The balance of yin and yang in the Lilith-Mars sextile makes your relationship more solid and well-rounded. You complement each other beautifully.