1. Your Passion May Have Confusion
When Mars squares Neptune in synastry, Mars can feel angry about Neptune’s evasiveness. Neptune can sap Mars’ energy with shyness and uncertainties. You may feel a strong physical and sexual attraction to each other initially. But over time, confusion can set in.
Your partner’s actions don’t always align with their words, leaving you unsure of their true intentions and motivations. You might feel your Neptune partner is misleading, indecisive, or two-faced. Your Neptune partner likely feels you’re controlling, hot-headed, and stubborn.
2. Passive-Aggression Can Happen
With Mars square Neptune synastry, passive-aggressive tendencies may emerge in your relationship. Instead of direct communication, anger often builds quietly beneath the surface. Your partner may withhold affection when they’re upset but claim nothing is wrong.
On the other hand, you may deny issues in the relationship or be indirect in communicating your needs. Hints are dropped rather than honest conversations being had. You don’t take necessary actions but wait for the “right time”.
Mars square Neptune synastry can also breed poisonous martyrdom and victimhood. You may feel your Neptune partner never takes responsibility for their actions, while they may see you as aggressive and impulsive. Each person thinks they are the victim.
3. Escapism And Avoidance Can Occur
With Mars-Neptune square, reality often feels harsh. Thus, escapism, addictive tendencies, and avoidance often prevail in the relationship whenever challenges arise.
Rather than cultivate open communication, you both may lose yourselves in intoxication or idealistic daydreams about each other. You tend to avoid difficult truths. You might waste energy on hopeless causes that lead to nowhere.
When tensions arise, one of you might just disappear for a while rather than work on your problems. This can set up an unhealthy cycle where nothing ever gets worked out.
4. The Bedroom Can Become A Fantasyland
Amidst all your problems, sex and intimacy can provide an escapist fantasyland for you both. In the bedroom, you can lose yourselves in erotic play and delicious intimacy.
Your sexual connection may feel transcendent and almost addictive. You experience amazing otherworldly passion.
But this can also create pressure to continue reaching those sexual heights, to keep the fantasy alive. With the square, performance anxieties could arise as well. The rapturous sex may provide a temporary physical release but avoid deeper emotional intimacy.
Ideally, your physical relationship would make space for emotional nakedness and spiritual compatibility – not just sexual passion. According to Wise Cultivator, there are karmic consequences of having sex before marriage you should be aware of.