1. Intense Attraction But Power Struggles
When Mars opposes Pluto in synastry, your relationship has both intense attraction and power struggles. You feel irresistibly drawn to each other like magnets, consumed by a fierce sexual chemistry and an almost primal urge to merge. Your relationship feels fated and larger-than-life.
However, this passionate fusion can bring underlying control issues to the surface. Tugs of war can happen as you try to dominate each other’s behaviors and choices. One person wants to test the other’s loyalty.
If Mars-Pluto opposition is not cultivated with genuine empathy, violence and anger can happen. Your connection invites continual transformation by destroying your bad habits to reveal your core selves.
It’s a true “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” connection. You either “live or die” through the tempestuous storms of your bond.
2. Sexual Chemistry Is Off The Chart
Sexually, Mars opposite Pluto synastry spells fireworks, dynamite, and cosmic explosions! This is because opposites tend to attract, and Mars and Pluto are planets of sex in astrology.
Making love between you becomes supernaturally irresistible – an almost mind-altering spiritual experience. You may become sex-obsessed with each other, even addicted. When you’re apart, your cravings build to a fever pitch until you reconnect again.
Driven by compulsion more than reason, your sex life together risks becoming destructive. If you have had sex before marriage, the spiritual consequences of premarital sex can be immense.
Powerful Plutonian forces – your past traumas – can get stirred up, shifting the balance of your relationship. But you seem to can’t resist the magnetic sexual pull. The forbidden fruit is often sweet in the moment but bitter in the long run.
3. Control And Resistance
Like all opposite synastry aspects, Mars opposite Pluto can breed conflict. But here the clashes tend to center around control, commitment, and trust issues. Perhaps neither of you likes yielding authority in the relationship.
You may try to force each other’s decisions, or punish and criticize when you don’t get your way. At worst, this aspect can stimulate abusive tendencies in the relationship, which can be physical and sexual by nature.
When conflicts arise, Pluto’s destructive forces often get unleashed through rage, beating, or other extreme behaviors. Without self-awareness of your own mistakes, this relationship can easily turn toxic.
4. Jealousy And Paranoia
When possessive Mars opposes secretive Pluto in synastry, extreme jealousy can become an issue. Irrational suspicions can arise, destructive obsession can take hold, and you tend to monitor each other compulsively like a parent.
You may even stalk each other online or check phones/emails secretly. Primal Plutonian fears of betrayal or abandonment can take over, obliterating your rational reason.
Moments of separation could fuel your anxiety about imagined infidelities. Irrational paranoia can prevail even without real evidence. All it takes is a whiff of secrecy or a tendency of withdrawal to trigger panicked reactions and clinginess in each person.
If jealousy issues emerge, it’s wise to communicate your insecurities directly yet gently before they poison the well of trust.